See a healthy place

OS location intelligence helps build a healthier, happier and safer society that everyone wants to live in.

OS helps switch on the nation’s wellbeing

We all want responsive emergency services and access to the best healthcare facilities so that we feel safer. And when we go out for the day, we want to be able to get maximum enjoyment out of our activities, so that we feel happier. Ordnance Survey enables us to see how physical environments contribute to the best patient outcomes and how we can experience the outdoors at its best.

Illuminating a path for improved wellbeing

OS is helping to build a healthier and happier society that everyone wants to live in.

Location intelligence supports efficiency in our health service, to improve how emergency services react and how we access healthcare provision. We also help everyone get outside to enjoy a healthier lifestyle.

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See a better place

Where do you want to go next?

Are you managing sustainability programmes and the risks associated with climate change?

Do you want to help connect people and communities better, so that they can all prosper more equally?

See a sustainable placeSee a connected place