Ordnance Survey policies

Explore our policies on data protection, health and safety, and more


On this page you can find links to our current policies and procedures.

  • Privacy

    We are committed to protecting your personal information and respecting your privacy.

  • Data protection

    As a public authority that handles personal information and data, we comply with the General Data Protection Regulation and other regulations.

  • Health and safety

    We’re committed to creating an incident-free workplace. It’s our policy to provide and maintain a healthy and safe working environment.

  • Anti-bribery

    We have a zero-tolerance approach to bribery. Bribery is illegal and has no place in our organisation.

  • Anti-slavery

    We have a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and are committed to preventing acts of slavery and human trafficking from occurring within our business and supply chain.

  • Vulnerability disclosure

    Read our guidelines for submitting a cyber security vulnerability to Ordnance Survey.

  • Environmental and sustainability

    We have an obligation to protect the environment and reduce pollution through the products we create, our internal processes, and the management of our supply chain.

  • Re-use of public sector information

    We take steps to make it easier to re-use our information in the spirit of the Public Sector Information (PSI) regime.

  • PSGA standards

    As a world leader in location data, Ordnance Survey (OS) is committed to developing and promoting open geospatial data standards.

  • Data principles

    We've developed a robust data governance framework and enhanced our data principles to ensure they are fit for purpose in an evolving digital landscape.

  • Licence exceptions

    We will always try to grant appropriate licences but there may be circumstances where exceptions apply.

  • Fair trade

    OS is committed to trading fairly and ethically with our customers. Read this page for our fair trade policy and principles.

  • Geographical names

    We record names in our data and products in accordance with a well-defined policy.

  • Gaelic names

    We will support and facilitate the promotion of Scottish culture through the appropriate depiction of Gaelic names.

  • Welsh names

    We will support and facilitate the use of the Welsh language through the appropriate depiction of Welsh names.

  • Welsh language scheme

    Under the Welsh Language Act 1993 every public body providing services to the public in Wales must prepare a scheme setting out how it will provide those services in Welsh.

Key OS company policies

  • Crown copyright

    Learn how Ordnance Survey data, brand and trade marks are copyright protected.

  • Our public task

    Ordnance Survey's public task sets out what we do for Britain on behalf of UK Government.

  • Shareholder framework document

    Our shareholder framework document defines our role and objectives, and outlines the governance and accountability framework between us and our shareholder.