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OS Net RINEX data

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Use the tool below to find stations and request data. The "search location" field expects a coordinate or grid reference or postcode see Help with input formats. Data is available for 45 days (see below for guide to older data). The recommended maximum order size is approximately 96 station hours which is equivalent to 4 stations @ 24hours. Orders larger than this may not complete correctly. The maximum number of stations that can be searched for is 20.
Data is delivered as hourly files at 30 second epoch rate in both RINEX 2 (GPS+GLO basic observables) and RINEX 3 (GPS+GLO+GAL+BDS - all possible observables) formats. See this guide to the naming conventions for the two file types.
OS Net RINEX data is available for use under Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 licence terms.

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Direct access to the hourly RINEX files (v2 and v3 formats) is available via a browser at - Direct access to OS Net data files or via anonymous ftp at ftp://rinex.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/gps/rinex
When accessing the files via a browser a "Download Manager" type of browser extension will help in the easy selection and download of multiple files.

Satellite navigation data is not provided in the user order. This data can come from users' own receiver data files. However, a daily RINEX 3 format (GPS+GLO+GAL+BDS) ephemeris file 'EPHM00GBR_S_yyyyddd0000_01D_MN.rnx.zip' is available in the Direct access to OS Net data files folders. Alternatively, navigation data files can be downloaded from the Internet. For guidance on how to download navigation files (GPS+GLO) see Broadcast ephemeris data from CDDIS. Follow the instruction on downloading the merged broadcast ephemeris file identified by "brdc".

Users who have missed the 45 day cut off for data availability - see this guide on how to obtain OS Net data from external sources.

Scientific and other users with an interest in historic GNSS data should visit the NERC British Isles continuous GNSS Facility (BIGF) https://www.bigf.ac.uk/, which is operated by the British Geological Survey (BGS, https://www.bgs.ac.uk/geology-projects/geodesy/). BIGF archives all OS active station data, along with data from other continuous GNSS (GPS+GLONASS) stations in the UK, holding data that go back as far as 1997, for some stations.

OS Net reference station coordinate listing. This link opens up a comma delimited text file (15 KB) of ETRS89 coordinates of all OS Net stations, current and superceded. Coordinates are given as both cartesian (X, Y, Z) and geodetic (Lat, Long, Height). The OSGB36 National Grid km square reference and antenna height are also given.

The current receiver and antenna types for any data supplied are included in the RINEX headers (and can be seen using any standard text editor). For more details on a particular station, past and present including a history of any changes in the receiver and antenna types see the station log files. Log files are text files in the IGS log format. Also many OS Net logs have an XML version for easier access to the data through "machine reading". OS Net station metadata and IGS-style site logs (and xml versions) can also be browsed on the M3G portal. M3G covers most of Europe but the list of sites can be filtered by country. Select the 'Stations' tab near the top of the page to bring up the list of sites.

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