Daily Hazard Assessment shortlisted for excellence in Geography in Government Awards 2024

Ordnance Survey is one of the partners of the Natural Hazards Partnership, providing mapping and geospatial expertise to the resilience community

The annual Geography in Government awards has recognised the vital role of the Natural Hazards Partnership (NHP)’s modernised Daily Hazard Assessment (DHA) within the ‘Communication’ category, which recognises excellence in communication of geographic content. The DHA was shortlisted within the category.

The shortlisted work is a comprehensive redesign and modernisation of the DHA product. The new and enhanced assessment is built around easy-to-understand geospatial, meteorological and natural hazard information, incorporating the highest industry standard design principles. The clearer layout and geospatial focus means that better informed, faster planning, mitigation and response decisions can be made. Since the redesign, the number of users of the assessment has increased from 500 to over 1200.

John Kimmance, Managing Director, National Mapping Services at Ordnance Survey, said:

"The new Daily Hazard Assessment from the Natural Hazards Partnership shows what can be achieved when we collaborate with our partners across the public and third sectors. I am delighted to see the power of geospatial and visualisation making the hazard warnings so easy to understand. The new DHA will be hugely valuable to our resilience community."

The DHA provides an unparalleled resource for the UK's Governments and resilience communities. The Geography in Government awards is a great opportunity for increasing awareness of the DHA along with the continued efforts of the NHP in engaging with more organisations involved in resilience, including those in the Voluntary & Community Sector.

"The collaborative redesign of the Daily Hazard Assessment, bringing together expert geospatial visualisation with groundbreaking science, world leading computing and 24/7 operational delivery, results in a compelling and world leading product supporting UK resilience and response. "

Simon Brown, Services Director, Met Office

The Natural Hazard Partnership and Daily Hazard Assessment

The NHP is a key pillar of the UK science and hazard resilience community. Over the past 13 years, it has brought together 22 government departments, public bodies, research establishments, and third sector organisations to provide collaborative, interdisciplinary expertise and advice to UK Government, Devolved Governments, Local Government and Civil Contingency Responders.

By bringing together so many key stakeholders and sources of information, the NHP has ensured that the most accurate and up-to-date information is delivered to those who need it. When making these fast-paced high stakes decisions, such as in crisis preparation and response, the quality of information really matters.

The NHP is committed to continuously improving the DHA by incorporating feedback from users along with the latest developments in natural hazards science form our members and the wider research community.

Society is constantly evolving and when combined with a changing climate the goal of the NHP and purpose of the DHA must and will continue to also advance and evolve.

In the future the NHP aim to explore how to make the component information of the DHA available via an API for use in downstream Apps and systems and thereby increase the reach and utility further.


The ‘Partnership’ in Natural Hazards Partnership

Natural hazards research, services and response are inherently multi-disciplinary and multi-organisational activities. Collaboration is therefore the lifeblood of the NHP, enabling it to advance the science and services needed in responding to and supporting the management of natural hazards. By working together, member organisations combine their unique expertise and resources to create a synergistic effect that enhances the UK's resilience to natural disasters.

This collective approach allows for the sharing of knowledge, the development of innovative solutions, and the delivery of comprehensive and robust, multi-hazard assessments. The DHA is a prime example of this collaboration in action, where the collective and consolidated efforts of various partners provide a strategic outlook on potential hazards, aiding in the development of robust response strategies and policies.


Making a positive impact – user feedback 

Kevin Topping, Emergency Planning Manager, Lancashire County Council said:

“The Lancashire County Council Duty Officer is responsible for assessing any potential hazards and responding as appropriate. The new Daily Hazard Assessment provides an easily digestible briefing of potential hazards over the coming days and helps support wider situational awareness. The recent improvements to the maps and symbology are a great step forward.”


Chris Davies, Director Crisis Response and Community Resilience, British Red Cross. said:

“The new Daily Hazard Assessment is essential in helping the British Red Cross to anticipate where and when we may need to activate our volunteer support in communities across the UK to focus our efforts on mitigating the impacts of natural hazards on the most vulnerable.”


Robert Stacey, Secretary, England and Wales Wildfire Forum, said:

“The DHA is an invaluable tool for members of the England and Wales Wildfire Forum (EWWF) because it provides a strategic overview of conditions that may lead to an increase in the likelihood and/or impact of wildfires across the UK. The EWWF, and its individual members, use the wildfire hazard information contained in the DHA to inform wildfire prevention messaging and wildfire preparedness activities. The DHA enables the EWWF and its members to be proactive to changing conditions and provides an objective and reliable measure that the EWWF can rely upon and share with others.”


Read more about the Natural Hazards Partnership (NHP) 

An excerpt from the Daily Hazard Assessment

Ordnance Survey
By Ordnance Survey

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