International geospatial consultancy and services

Discover how you can improve your country’s geospatial capabilities

Our global geospatial services

Geospatial information is changing nations for the better. Discover our global geospatial services and learn how OS can help with land solutions and consultancy.

What we do

We use our geospatial mapping and consultancy expertise to help countries all over the world improve their geospatial capabilities. Discover how we can help your nation grow to its full potential.

International geospatial services

Meet the team

Our international team of experts have years of global experience between them. Get to know our experts who are here to help you build your geospatial capability and increase your capacity. 

International geospatial team

Grow your economy

Drive economic growth, technological innovation, and sustainable development with OS geospatial data

International governments face challenges from population growth and urbanisation, to climate change and pandemics. Geospatial information is a crucial tool to help nations navigate these challenges effectively.

Key challenges and how we can solve them

  • Urbanisation

    Discover how geospatial data can help you overcome urban poverty and build fair, prosperous and sustainable cities.

  • Sustainability

    Climate change, environmental degradation, food security, and poverty are all key challenges we face. Geospatial data is vital in helping solve these challenges.

  • Land ownership

    Find out how geospatial data can help you establish land rights to fuel socio-economic growth and achieve a more sustainable and equal nation.

  • Resilience

    Geospatial data is the key ingredient in building more resilient nations. Understand how to equip your community against major threats and ensure quick and effective action during an emergency.

Smart cities

Geospatial data helps you build new smart cities from planning to execution, putting your people at the very centre. We will help you and your country to build a more prosperous, citizen-centred and productive future.

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Speak to our experts about how you can maximise your geospatial potential

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