Customer support and resources

Access resources for address and property enquiries, help using OS data products, and support for your orders and account

Data product support

Access support and resources to help get you started using OS data.

  • OS Data Hub support

    Manage your OS Data Hub account and read guidance to help you start using OS data for your project.

  • Premium data support

    Access technical support for OS premium data products such as AddressBase, OS MasterMap and more.

  • Open data support

    Read technical specifications, getting started guides and supporting information for our OpenData products.

  • API tutorials

    Follow our step-by-step guides to learn how to develop solutions with our APIs.

  • Data toolkits

    Access tools such as the coordinate transformation tool, XML file resources and GeoDataViz toolkit.

  • Product refresh dates

    Update frequencies for OS digital mapping products, including OS Mastermap Topography Layer.

Account support

Access links to support for your OS Maps account or your Partner Portal account. If you're a PSGA member and need Principal Contact information, contact us today.

Orders support

Find help for your OS shop order, learn the different ways you can pay OS, and access support for OS Orders for commercial users.

Support for our customers

Find the support you need, from mapping resources for the general public to Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA) information and commercial enquiries.

  • Enquiries for general public

    Access mapping information for a range of topics such as property boundaries, planning application maps, election maps, and more.

  • Government and public sector support

    From getting started with OS data and services through to advanced specialist geospatial analysis and visualisation.

  • OS Partner support

    Existing OS Partners can access a range of support including licensing guidance, product support, account help and much more.

  • International team contacts

    Learn how the international geospatial team can help you use geospatial data to improve your nation.

  • Developer support

    Developer support resources are available to all users, providing guidance managing your OS data account and your mapping projects.

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