Become an OS Channel Partner

Partner with OS to access authoritative location data and collaborative support from our experts

Our Licensed Partners are vital to expanding the use of OS Data products across a range of industry sectors. When you partner with OS, we will work collaboratively with you to support the use of our products, and commit to helping you and your business reach your objectives.

You can benefit from the significant investments we make into ensuring our products are Great Britain’s most detailed and authoritative location datasets.

What will happen once I’ve contacted Ordnance Survey?

  1. One of our specialist team will pick up your enquiry
  2. You will be contacted to discuss your requirements
  3. On successful application you will agree your organisation's primary contact and receive your OS Channel Partner welcome pack.

World leading data products and services

  • Access to Great Britain’s most authoritative location data 

  • Promotion of your company on our website as an authorised Partner

  • Access to regular webinars with OS data experts

  • Access to case studies and insights and articles 

Additional benefits

  • Monthly newsletters 

  • Connection with the quarterly Partner Advisory Council meetings

  • Annual conferences and events

  • Access to our Partner co-branding opportunities

  • Opportunity to join the OS Channel Partner Programme

Success stories from our Partners