Meet OS Placemaker - Ella
OS Sustainability, Property and Facilities Lead Ella Cowen talks about her passion for sustainability – which has just earned her industry recognition
"I love it at OS. Being able to work for an organisation that’s so well-known brings more energy into my role because I think what I do here can make a difference. We only have one earth to live on and we need to be protecting it now for ourselves and for future generations."
Ella’s passion and commitment to her role has been recognised by her selection as one of edie’s 30 Under 30 Class of 2024. edie is the leading media brand and a purpose-driven force for sustainability in business, empowering sustainability, energy and environmental professionals of all levels to make business more sustainable. The 30 Under 30 initiative recognises rising sustainability stars who are delivering on efforts to build a better future across the UK. As well as recognising talent and potential, the programme will provide the opportunity to share connections and ideas and promote career development.
Ella said:
"I am thrilled to have been selected. We’ve been working hard on sustainability at OS and it's wonderful to be recognised for the exciting work delivered over the past few years at Ordnance Survey. This is a great opportunity for me and for OS, being able to network with a community which is passionate about the same goals as well as getting more inspiration on how we can further our initiatives - I can't wait!”
You can read more about OS’s journey to net zero here - Mapping our way to a clean energy and carbon-free future.
See what we can do
You’ve read about how OS is managing its own environmental impact and improving its practices. Now discover how we use our location data to improve sustainability worldwide, by helping nations and organisations to respond effectively to climate challenges.

Our highly accurate geospatial data and printed maps help individuals, governments and companies to understand the world, both in Britain and overseas.