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Business and government enquiries
ChangeChoose a topic
How to get OS mapping and data
For business or government organisations needing to access OS data
Existing business order enquiry
Help or support with your existing business order
API enquiry
Help with APIs including developer support, technical documentation, code examples, and further guidance
How to use OS data
For existing customers needing help or support with using OS data
Licensing enquiry
For business or government licence enquiries, including selecting the most suitable licence
Enquire about becoming a licensed Partner
If you are thinking of partnering with Ordnance Survey, learn more and make an enquiry
Existing Partner support
Help or support for existing licensed Channel Partners
Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA) enquiry
If you have a query about the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement, make an enquiry here.
Commercial enquiry
If you have a commercial enquiry, contact us to discuss how OS can help with your geospatial challenge
International enquiry
If you have a international enquiry, contact us to discuss how OS can help with your geospatial challenge
Report a data error
If you are a business or government organisation and need to report a data error, please use this tool
Election maps enquiry
For queries about Great Britain and Northern Ireland election maps and electoral boundaries
Planning application maps
For queries about planning application maps
Make a complaint
You can make a complaint if you're unhappy with the service that Ordnance Survey has provided
Can't find your answer?
If your query isn't listed, contact us for further business or government enquiries