Cookies for

Cookies used for OS Shop

Cookies can be used to store users preferences and other information about visits and actions. Cookies come in two flavours, first-party and third-party. First-party cookies are set by the site or application you are visiting and can only be read by them. Third-party cookies are set by a different web site or application than the one you are currently visiting. They are generally used to track users between different web sites and applications and to display more relevant advertising. Additional cookie information is available from our main cookies page.

The following tables explain the cookies used, what they are for and when they expire:

First-party cookies

NameDomainExpiresCategorySourcePurpose hoursTargeting/MarketingMicrosoftUsed by Clarity for synchronisation, tracking users, advertising and analytics.

80 weeks, extended with each site visit



DotdigitalIdentifies shoppers and attributes site interactions to them

30 minutes


Targeting/MarketingDotdigitalA housekeeping cookie that works with tms_VisitorID to capture shopper activity

Browsing session duration



DotdigitalA temporary cookie used to show Site Info or Site Editor Preview Bars, not seen by shoppers

x days after last seen, where x is configurable

Targeting/MarketingDotdigitalA configurable cookie used by Data Capture SmartBlocks to suppress a popover yearPerformanceGoogleUsed by Google Analytics to identify and track users. yearPerformanceGoogleUsed by Google Analytics to identify and track users. daysStrictly necessaryBigCommerceUsed by Big Commerce to store essential shopper preferences such as currency. yearPerformanceGoogleUsed by Google Analytics to identify and track users. yearPerformanceBigCommerceUsed by Big Commerce for user analytics. yearTargeting/MarketingMicrosoftUsed by Bing Ads for tracking users and advertising. hoursTargeting/MarketingMicrosoftUsed by Bing Ads for tracking users and advertising. yearPerformanceGoogleUsed by Google Analytics to identify and track users. secondsPerformanceGoogleUsed by Google Analytics to identify and track users. yearTargeting/MarketingDotdigitalUsed by Dotdigital Customer Relationship Manager to identify, track and target users. minutesPerformanceHotjarUsed by Hotjar to track user activity and interactions during a visit. yearPerformanceAdalyserUsed by Adalyser to store preferences, track and measure campaign performance and user behaviour. yearPerformanceGoogleUsed by Google Analytics to identify and track users. yearTargeting/MarketingPintrestUsed by Pintrest to identify and track user visits and history. yearPerformanceHotjarUsed by Hotjar to track user activity and interactions during a visit. monthsTargeting/MarketingGoogleUsed by Google Adwords to identify and track users. daysPerformanceAdalyserUsed by Adalyser to store preferences, track and measure campaign performance and user behaviour. yearTargeting/MarketingMicrosoftUsed by Clarity for synchronisation, tracking users, advertising and analytics. secondsPerformanceGoogleUsed by Google Analytics to identify and track users. minutesPerformanceHotjarUsed by Hotjar to track user activity and interactions during a visit. yearTargeting/MarketingMetaUsed by Facebook to measure user behaviour and target advertising. monthsPerformanceAdalyserUsed by Adalyser to store preferences, track and measure campaign performance and user behaviour. minutesPerformanceHotjarUsed by Hotjar to track user activity and interactions during a visit. by the LivePerson conversational AI platform to track the current session. yearPerformanceGoogleUsed by Google Analytics to identify and track users. minutesPerformanceAdalyserUsed by Adalyser to store preferences, track and measure campaign performance and user behaviour. hoursPerformanceGoogleUsed by Google Analytics to store and count pageviews. yearTargeting/MarketingTikTokUsed by Teads for measuring interaction in advertising campaigns, optimise advertisements and retargeting. minutesPerformanceHotjarUsed by Hotjar to track user activity and interactions during a visit. necessaryBigCommerceUsed by Big Commerce to prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF). yearFunctionalityLivePersonUsed by the LivePerson conversational AI platform to identify users. monthsStrictly necessaryCIVICUsed by Cookie Control to store cookie preferences. hoursPerformanceBigCommerceUsed by Big Commerce for analytics. necessaryVarnish SoftwareUsed by Varnish HTTP Cache to speed control access to websites. monthsTargeting/MarketingMetaUsed by Facebook to measure user behaviour and target advertising. daysStrictly necessaryBigCommerceUsed by Big Commerce for the user session and basket functionality. minutesPerformanceBigCommerceUsed by Big Commerce for analytics. by Web Chat & Chatbot to track the current chat session. daysFunctionalPuzzelUsed by Web Chat & Chatbot to relate the current chat session to previous sessions. by Web Chat & Chatbot to maintain the chat session between page loads.

Used by Web Chat & Chatbot to contain the state of current chat session. monthsTargeting/MarketingAffiliate WindowUsed by Affiliate Window to store a reference to a visit to attribute a sale to marketing channels. monthsTargeting/MarketingAdFormUsed by AdForm for tracking users, advertising and analytics. minutesTargeting/MarketingDotMailerUsed by DotMailer to track users in email campaigns. necessaryBigCommerceUsed by Big Commerce to store shopper Viewing behaviour. by Qualtrics for visitor analytics. monthStrictly necessaryBigCommerceUsed by Big Commerce to store essential shopper preferences such as Products in the cart.
zab_g_* yearPerformanceZohoUsed to track successful custom/pageview goal conversions obtained in the same domain. yearPerformanceZohoUsed for identifying individual visitors along with the status of new and returning visitors. secsPerformanceZohoUsed for sending the experiment and visitor information to the server upon redirection. yearPerformanceZohoUsed to consistently serve visitors the same variation of the test they've seen before. yearPerformanceZohoUsed for identifying the exact heatmap experiment to be tracked on the web page.
zpsfa_* monthPerformanceZohoUsed for deriving the path taken by the visitor and the number of visitors that dropped off while traversing through the funnel.
zfa* hourPerformanceZohoUsed for tracking actual user conversions.
zsr* hoursPerformanceZohoUsed for mapping all the user actions performed within a session. yearPerformanceZohoUsed for serving the same experiment within a mutually exclusive group, the user has seen before.
zsd* hoursPerformanceZohoUsed for identifying the start time, last interacted time, and number of pages visited for a session. hoursPerformanceZohoUsed to keep track of duplicate payloads (session data). yearPerformanceZohoUsed to consistently serve visitors the same experience they have seen before. yearPerformanceZohoUsed for sending the experiment and visitor information to the server upon redirection.
zia_* yearPerformanceZohoUsed to avoid sending the same visitor data multiple times to the server.
zpc<*> yearTargeting/MarketingZohoUsed to ensure that the banner does not reappear to the same visitor on your website. yearTargeting/MarketingZohoUsed to identify and update the push notification status of the subscriber on your website. yearPerformanceZohoUsed for activating your experiment based on a given trigger condition.
zpspolls_+* yearTargeting/MarketingZohoUsed for tracking user actions such as impressions, answered/unanswered polls, and other poll parameters. yearPerformanceZohoUsed for identifying the polls experiment to be served on the web page.
zpspb+* yearPerformanceZohoUsed for tracking user actions like impressions and answered/unanswered popups. yearPerformanceZohoUsed for identifying the popup experiment to be served on the web page.
zpssr+* deleted immediately after identification of the top level domain.PerformanceZohoUsed to identify the top level domain in your session recording experiment. expiryPerformanceZohoUsed to resend canceled or failed requests and prevent data loss during session recording. for mapping all the user actions performed within the respective tabs for a session. YearTargeting/MarketingDotDigitalUsed to track if a user has completed a pop-up form. DaysTargeting/MarketingDotDigitalUsed to track if a user has dismissed a pop-up form.

Third-party cookies

NameDomainExpiresCategorySourcePurpose yearTargeting/MarketingMicrosoftUsed by Clarity for synchronisation, tracking users, advertising and analytics.
cf_clearance.r1.dotdigital-pages.com1 yearStrictly necessaryCloudflareUsed by Cloudflare CDN to mmanage security challenges.
__cf_bm.r1.dotdigital-pages.com29 minutesStrictly necessaryCloudflareUsed by Cloudflare CDN to identify and manage bots.
muc_ads.t.co1 yearTargeting/MarketingTwitterUsed to track user behaviour for advertising.
uid.seadform.net5 monthsNot knownNot knownNot known
personalization_id.twitter.com1 yearTargeting/MarketingTwitterUsed to track user activities across websites.
CM.adform.net24 hoursTargeting/MarketingAdFormUsed by AdForm for tracking users, advertising and analytics.
C.adform.net2 monthsTargeting/MarketingAdFormUsed by AdForm for tracking users, advertising and analytics.
receive-cookie-deprecation.adform.net5 monthsTargeting/MarketingAdFormUsed by AdForm for tracking users, advertising and analytics.
CM14.adform.net1 monthTargeting/MarketingAdFormUsed by AdForm for tracking users, advertising and analytics. yearTargeting/MarketingMicrosoftUsed by Microsoft for tracking users, advertising and analytics. yearTargeting/MarketingMicrosoftUsed by Microsoft for tracking users, advertising and analytics.
ANONCHK.c.clarity.ms3 minutesTargeting/MarketingMicrosoftUsed by Clarity for synchronisation, tracking users, advertising and analytics.
SM.c.clarity.msSessionTargeting/MarketingMicrosoftUsed by Clarity for synchronisation, tracking users, advertising and analytics.
MR.c.clarity.ms7 daysTargeting/MarketingMicrosoftUsed by Clarity for synchronisation, tracking users, advertising and analytics. monthsTargeting/MarketingGoogleUsed by Google to provide ad delivery or retargeting and also store user preferences.
ar_debug.pinterest.com1 yearTargeting/MarketingGoogleUsed to store and track conversions
CLIDwww.clarity.ms1 yearTargeting/MarketingMicrosoftUsed by Clarity for synchronisation, tracking users, advertising and analytics.
vngage.srvidordnancesurvey.psplugin.comSessionFunctionalityPuzzelUsed by Vergic chatbot to record and measure user interaction during chat sessions.
responder*r1.dotdigital-pages.comSessionTargeting/MarketingDotDigitalTracks and identifies a respondent as they answer the survey and records when the survey is complete.

Last audited on: 12 April 2024