Bluesky International Limited

Bluesky is Britain’s leading aerial surveyor, providing geographic data to create market-specific geospatial datasets.

Meet the Partner

Bluesky is Britain’s leading aerial surveyor, providing geographic data to create market-specific geospatial datasets. It maintains national aerial photography, height data and national tree mapping (National Tree Map) on a three-year update programme and helps businesses by providing bespoke aerial surveys for a range of needs across sectors.

Bluesky provides a range of survey, geographic and CAD data, to help process, create and derive a diverse range of high-resolution geospatial datasets, specific to a number of varied markets. Continuous investment in cutting edge technology and innovation mean that its products and services are constantly evolving to help meet clients’ needs. Bluesky is partnered with Ordnance Survey, and works to aid in aerial survey, 3D model generation, topographic mapping, thermal surveys and specialist data analysis.

How they can help you

Bluesky solutions include:

  • Bluesky GIS data – Bluesky provides access to a growing range of datasets. These datasets include its MetroVista product range comprising coincident oblique and vertical images, LiDAR and Mesh Models, bespoke and off the shelf LiDAR height data and 3D models.
  • Bluesky OS enhancement – Bluesky has merged OS data with its own to help develop accurate and multifaceted projects, providing insight into clutter analysis, modelling and extract roof details.
  • Bluesky innovation – Bluesky is always looking to increase applications of GI data and has years of experience in providing tailored solutions to many niche problems. Its use of machine learning in recent years has helped develop invaluable insight into a number of current issues across a range of sectors.

Specialism/primary industries served

Bluesky is ideally suited to serving the utilities, insurance, telecommunications, transport and property industries. It also has a great deal of experience working with government and public sector clients.

Investment level required

The company offers datasets and maps from prices starting at £20 and ranging up to ~£50,000 for more expansive and detailed datasets. Whilst some services are provided free of charge, core products and bespoke projects could require larger investment.

Their partnership with OS

Premium partner icon
Premium Partner

We share OS Know-How with our Partners, helping them to grow their commercial offer whilst feeding back into the OS product and development roadmap too.


"We find the service from Bluesky to be first class. We can specify the exact area we require – whatever the shape, the data is delivered within minutes and we receive a single monthly invoice which reduces administration."

Anthony Pelly, Managing Director of Rural Design Studio

"Working with Bluesky, we combined and manipulated data for a small sample area and the results were presented to the design team and landowners. The resultant mapping exceeded the requirements of all stakeholders."

Neil Fowler, Director at Newport based Azimuth Land Surveys

"The combination of GIS and Bluesky data is already realising significant savings for the Trust. We are saving valuable staff time, improving efficiency and reducing costs. You could say the data has more than paid for itself, costing less than one traditional site survey."

James Cairncross, Landscape Infrastructure Manager at The Parks Trust

"We already knew that aerial photography would provide better quality imagery, as well as more accurate height data. However, the partnership with Bluesky has allowed us to benefit from these enhancements whilst also lowering our production costs."

Misha Gopaul, co-founder and CEO of FATMAP