Differentia Consulting

Differentia Consulting has an ERP heritage. In addition to ERP consulting, the company has expanded into the agile analytics space, both from a software resale and value add consulting perspective.

Meet the Partner

Differentia Consulting has an ERP heritage. In addition to ERP consulting, the company has expanded into the agile analytics space, both from a software resale and value add consulting perspective. Our mission is to help clients discover their business whilst embracing mobile and cloud technologies, including big data, to decentralise decision making, whilst reducing the time taken to deliver insight for such decisions to be made. Thus increasing business velocity.

Differentia Consulting are the leading Qlik Analytics Solution Provider in the UK. Helping clients across all sectors with varied dash-boarding and decision making application solutions, many of which incorporate mapping technologies.

How they can help you

Qlik Analytics agile analytics web and mobile-based location intelligence solutions provide decision-makers and organisations the ability to increase their productivity or ‘business velocity’, by having available the insight to make SMARTer decisions in a more-timely manner where and when needed.

‘In memory’ analytics and dashboards with integrated location intelligence mapping solutions provide both geographic and demographic insight enriching data from multiple sources, which enable SMARTer decision making. This reduces both the cost of making a decision and potential for improving the accuracy of decisions made. Use cases are boundless; Bluelight, utilities, insurance, property and infrastructure companies are all early adopters.