GIS Day resources

A helping hand for holding a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) event at your school

Exercises for your GIS Day

GIS Day is celebrated each year in November. Events take place all over the world, showing the use of geographical information.

In November 2019, OS ran an event for years 8’s, from three local secondary schools. We shared how GIS is used, how data is collected and presented, and how GIS can help make informed decisions. Below are four exercises we used on the day; we’ve made these available for you to use and run a successful GIS event at your school.

Screenshot from Dinosaur Apocalypse presentation

Dinosaur Apocalypse

This shows how GIS would be used in an emergency, in this case an alien invader reanimating dinosaurs!

Read the dinosaur apocalypse teacher crib notes

Watch the dinosaur apocalypse video

Screenshot from cartography video


A drawing game that shows the importance of symbols on a map. Ideal for two groups.

Read the cartography teacher crib notes

Watch the cartography video

Screenshot from Digimap for Schools GIS day video

Digimap for Schools

An exercise to collect, view, and display geographical data, using Digimap for Schools tools.

Watch the Digimap for schools video

Screenshot from GIS for housing video

GIS for housing

A web demo that uses GIS to choose the best location for housing.

Read the housing demo teacher crib notes

View the GIS for housing web demo

Further GIS resources

Browse key Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools for schools. We list helpful references for teachers and pupils, from Digimap to ArcGIS.

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