Ordnance Survey Committees

Learn about our governance structure

Our governance structure is led by the Board of Directors, supported by the Executive Committee and the Audit and Risk, Remuneration and Nomination Committees.

The Board of Directors

Responsible for determining the long term strategy and vision; monitoring the external business environment and challenging internal business performance to ensure the strategy remains relevant and effective; and oversight of the successful discharge of the remit assigned to Ordnance Survey by Ministers, focusing on the strategic priorities for the business.

Read the Board terms of reference

The Executive Leadership Team

Responsible for all operational matters at a corporate or multi-group level, ensuring the implementation of the strategy agreed by the Board, managing the resulting operations, and making strategic recommendations to the Board. 

Read the Executive Leadership Team terms of reference

Audit and Risk Committee

Responsible for the independent appraisal of OS’s Internal Audit function, and the effectiveness of the systems established to identify and manage risks to the organisation. 

Read the Audit and Risk Committee terms of reference

Remuneration Committee

Responsible for OS’s Remuneration Policy and makes recommendations to the Board on remuneration for Directors and designated Senior Executives. 

Read the Remuneration Committee terms of reference

Nomination Committee

Responsible for reviewing the structure, size and composition of the Board, and making candidate recommendations for Board approval, to fill Board vacancies. 

Read the Nomination Committee terms of reference

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