Geographical names policy

Our policy for collecting and recording names

Page last updated June 2024

Geographical names on OS products

Geographical names portrayed on Ordnance Survey (OS) digital and hard-copy products are recognised as being the authoritative geographical names of Great Britain.

There is no national names authority in Great Britain. The collection of consistent, definitive and authoritative descriptive annotations and proper names, places and features, forms part of our public task.

Read our OS names policy

Our names policy outlines how we capture and record proper names within the National Geographic Database. These names are then made available to consumers through our products and services. 

OS names policy (PDF)

Our language policies

  • Welsh names policy

    OS support and facilitate the use of the Welsh language through the appropriate depiction of Welsh names.

  • Gaelic names policy

    OS support the Scottish Government’s initiative to aid Scottish culture through our Gaelic names policy.