Air pollutant inventory from transport sources in Tyne and Wear 2016 (FOI231156)

This Freedom of Information request asks for air pollutant inventory from transport sources in Tyne and Wear for the year 2016

Request for information - Ref no: FOI231156

September 27, 2023

Information request

Thank you for your email of 14/06/2023, requesting information from Ordnance Survey in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000/Environment Information Regulations 2004, as set out in the extract below:

I am writing to you regarding any reports on annual air pollution for "Tyne and wear" region. We are a group of students in Frankfurt and we are conducting a research on Tyne and Wear region. I wanted to ask you for the data on Air pollutant inventory from transport sources in the city (CO, NOx, SO2 and VHC) for the year as close as possible to "2016" for the whole region. We went through a great number of online resources but could not find the data we want for the Tyne and Wear region. Is there any report or excel file that might include this exact data?

Our response

I confirm that Ordnance Survey does not hold the information you have requested.

We can provide the following information which may assist you in this matter.

Please see the ‘About us’ section on our website, which explains what we do: About us ( We do not collect air pollution information.

You may wish to contact the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs in the first instance, they have published Air quality and emissions statistics here: Air quality and emissions statistics - GOV.UK (

All information requests

See our previous responses to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests.

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