I confirm that Ordnance Survey does hold some of the information you have requested. Where the information is not held or exempt from disclosure this is stated.
Taking each request in turn, I confirm the following:
Gas and Electricity Contracts
1. Energy Provider
Electricity – EDF Energy
Gas – Total Energies
2. Annual Spend for each provider for the past 3 financial years
EDF Energy
Total Energies
3. Contract Duration (Including any extensions)
A rolling yearly contract.
OS are currently accessing gas and electricity through the same Crown Commercial Services (CCS) Framework Contract RM6251 – Supply of Energy 2 Framework.
Details can be found on the website here: Supply of Energy 2 - CCS (crowncommercial.gov.uk)
The contract dates below relate to the framework for both gas and electricity
4. Contract start date
21/02/2023 (RM6251 Framework Start Date)
5. Contract Expiry Date
20/02/2027 (RM6251 Framework End Date)
6. Contract Review Dates
21 February 2026
7. Contact details of the person responsible, including job title
Caroline Eadie (Procurement and Contract Manager)
The information relating to the direct email address, is held by OS but is exempt from disclosure under section 40(2) (personal information) of the FOIA, as the information constitutes personal data.
Section 40(2) (Personal Information)
Section 40(2) provides that personal data is exempt information if one of the conditions set out in section 40(3) is satisfied. In our view, disclosure of this information would breach the data protection principles contained in the General Data Protection Regulations and Data Protection Act 2018
In reaching this decision, we have particularly considered:
- the reasonable expectations of the employees: given their positions, OS considered that none of the individuals would have a reasonable expectation that their personal data would be disclosed;
- the consequences of disclosure; and
- any legitimate public interest in disclosure.
Section 40(2) is an absolute exemption and therefore not subject to the public interest test.
Section 16 (Advice and Assistance)
Under section 16 of the FOIA (Advice and Assistance): You can contact Procurement using the ‘Contact us’ form on the Procurement pages of the OS website here: General procurement and tender opportunities (ordnancesurvey.co.uk)
8. Total Consumption of Gas, please provide me with the latest figure in cubic metres.
You have not provided details as to the period of time that you require this information for, however, under section 16 (Advice and Assistance) we can provide the gas consumption for the last financial year:
2022-23 – 588,855 m3
If you require gas consumption for a different period of time, please can you confirm the exact time period.
9. Total Consumption of Electricity (NHH), please provide me with latest figure in kWh for the past 3 financial years.
Not applicable – information not held.
10. Total Consumption of Electricity (HH), please provide me with latest figure in kWh for the past 3 financial years.
Total consumption
3,374,100 kWh
3,872,000 kWh
3,904,100 kWh
11. Contact details of the person responsible, including job title at the very least
Mark Bricknell (Facilities Lead) in relation to operations.
Ella Cowen (Sustainability, Property and Facilities Lead) in relation to reductions in consumption from a sustainability perspective.
The information relating to the direct email address, is held by OS but is exempt from disclosure under section 40(2) (personal information) of the FOIA, as the information constitutes personal data, as detailed in our response above.
Under section 16 of the FOIA (Advice and Assistance): You can contact OS using the ‘Contact us’ form on our website Contact us | General enquiries | OS (ordnancesurvey.co.uk)
Energy Management System Contract(s)
1. Energy Management System Provider
2. Annual Spend
3. Contract Duration (Including any extensions)
1 year contract and then reviewed.
4. Contract Expiry Date
13 April 2024.
5. Contract start date
13 April 2023.
6. Contract Review Date
7. Contract Description – A description of the services provided.
Annual contract for monthly visits for service maintenance and upgrade to Building Management System.
8. Brand of the software
Trend 963.
9. Total number of meter points for electricity:
9a Non-Half Hourly (NHH) meter points
9b Half Hourly (HH) meter points
10 Total number of Gas meter points
11 Total number of meter points for specialist gases and liquids
1 – rainwater harvester
12 Contact details of the person responsible, including job title
Neil Broughton-Mabbitt – CBRE contract manager.
The information relating to the direct email address, is held by OS but is exempt from disclosure under section 40(2) (personal information) of the FOIA, as the information constitutes personal data, as detailed in our response above, which also details how to contact us.