ICT expenditure (FOI211019)

This Freedom of Information request asks for details of our ICT expenditure

Request for information - Ref no: FOI211019

October 6, 2021

Information request

Thank you for your request for information about Ordnance Survey’s ICT expenditure, which we received on 25 June 2021, as set out in the extract below:-

"Please could you provide me with the attached information about your organisation's ICT expenditure."

Your request has been considered under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000.

Our response

I confirm that Ordnance Survey does hold the information you have requested.

I am pleased to provide you with the attached spreadsheet (xlsx.) which details the information you have requested on our ICT expenditure. 

Where you refer in your request to revenue and capital expenditure, we consider this to be in reference to opex and capital expenditure, rather than actual revenue. The attached spreadsheet includes both opex and capital expenditure. 

All information requests

See our previous responses to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests.

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