Thank you for your email of 25 August 2023 (FOI-23-1176), narrowing the scope of your original request for information of 24 July 2023 (FOI-23-1168).
Your request has been responded to in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000. A extract of your original request and your refined request is set out below:
Original FOI request of 24 July 2023 (FOI-23-1168)
Please may you provide me, in Microsoft Excel or an equivalent electronic format, with a list of invoices that were not paid within 30 days for the last 6 financial years (2017/18 to 2022/23 inclusive) which would feed into the Regulation 113 Notice you are required to publish each year as part of your obligations under The Public Contracts Regulations 2015, with the following information for each invoice (where available):
- The name of the Supplier
- Supplier email address
- Supplier company registration number
- Supplier postal address
- Supplier telephone number
- Supplier website
- The date of the invoice
- The invoice reference
- The gross value of the Invoice
- The date the invoice should have been paid by
- The actual payment date of the invoice
- The total amount of interest liability due to late payment of the invoice
- The total amount of interest paid to the supplier due to late payment of the invoice.
Refined FOI request of 25 August 2023 (FOI-23-1176)
- The name of the Supplier
- The date of the invoice
- The invoice reference
- The gross value of the Invoice
- The actual payment date of the invoice
Please refine my request to the above data points in order to bring it within the cost/time limit.