List of Local Authorities and political party voted for in 2010 (FOI241222)

This Freedom of Information requests a list of local authorities across England and Scotland and the political party they voted for in 2010

Request for information - Ref no: FOI241222

February 23, 2024

Information request

We received your request on 7 February 2024.

We have handled your request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000.

A copy of your request is set out in the extract below:

“I am current doing a dissertation that seeks to investigate the relationship between austerity cuts since 2010 and health inequalities in the UK.

To do so, I would benefit from having a list of local authorities across England (and Scotland if possible), and the political party they voted for in 2010.

I have played around with the interactive maps provided on the website of OS but would need this data in excel form.

I have looked on to find what I am looking for but cannot seem to find it.”

Our response

I confirm that Ordnance Survey does not hold the information you have requested.

Advice and Assistance

Local Authorities (LAs) are divided into wards represented by elected Councillors for each ward, this is carried out by using the LAs boundaries. Members of Parliament (MPs) are elected based on Parliamentary constituencies, one MP represents a constituency and the constituency boundaries do not follow the same geography as the LAs boundaries. From our interpretation of your request, you appear to be asking for a data set which links LAs to MPs and this information does not exist.

The results of the 2010 election are in the public domain and can be linked to our Boundary-Line Product which is Open Data and can be exported from QGIS (Open-source GIS software) into an csv. format openable in Excel.

You may find a closer correlation to LAs by looking at which party was controlling the Local Council, these boundaries are in Boundary-Line and accessed as a csv. format openable in Excel.

Below are the .csv files required for this:

You may find the links below useful:

Boundary-Line™ | OS Data downloads | OS Data Hub

Election maps | General public | OS (

If you require further support accessing or using our data you can contact us using the details here: Contact us | General enquiries | OS (

All information requests

See our previous responses to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests.

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