Road name changes

This Freedom of Information request asks for a list of UK roads which have changed names

Request for information - Ref no: FOI221083

September 6, 2022

Information request

Thank you for your email of 14 June 2022, requesting information from Ordnance Survey in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000, as set out in the extract below:

“Please may I receive a list of all roads in the UK that have had their name changed since 2017 to the present day.

The data could be supplied to me in the form of a spreadsheet with the following structure:

  • Each row is a road with a name that has been changed
  • A column for the road's original name
  • A column for the road's new name
  • A column indicating the date of when the road's name was changed, or at least when the OS first logged the road name change
  • A column / columns indicating the geographical location of the road e.g. longitude and latitude of the road / midpoint of the road
  • An optional column indicating the reason by behind the road name change, if the OS holds the information.”

Our response

I confirm that Ordnance Survey does hold some of the information you have requested.

I am pleased to provide you with the attached spreadsheet (xlsx) with regard to your request.

We are unable to provide the reason for the change of the road name as we do not hold this information.

The information supplied to you continues to be protected by copyright. You are free to use if for your own purposes, including private study and non-commercial research, and for any other purpose authorised by an exception in current copyright law. Documents (except photographs) can be used in the UK without requiring permission for the purposes of news reporting. Any other reuse, for example commercial publication, would require the permission of the copyright holder. Most documents supplied by Ordnance Survey will have been produced within government and will be Crown copyright.

All information requests

See our previous responses to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests.

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