Thank you for your email of 8 April 2022, requesting information from Ordnance Survey in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000, as set out in the extract below:
“Within your standard FOI time-frame of 20 working days, please can you provide me via email the most up-to-date surface area in square metres of the land inside the boundaries of the City of Plymouth for each of the primary land functions listed below with all the listed filters applied. The Primary Function categories (reported in square metres of land for each): 'Allotments Or Community Growing Spaces', 'Amenity - Residential Or Business', 'Private Garden', 'Public Park Or Garden' filtered down to just the portion of those land areas with secondary functions of: Null, 'Private Garden', Primary Forms of: Null, 'Open Semi-Natural', 'Multi Surface', and Secondary Forms of: Null.”