Tender information for Project - Search and Merchandising Tool, Notice Reference - IT-556-65-TS2609.2023 (FOI231187)

This Freedom of Information request asks for tender information for the Search and Merchandising Tool project, Notice reference IT-556-65-TS2609.2023

Request for information - Ref no: FOI231187

November 27, 2023

Information request

We received your request on 5 October 2023.

We have handled your request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000.

A copy of your request is set out in the extract below:

“I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information for the Project - Search and Merchandising Tool, Notice Reference - IT-556-65-TS2609.2023

  1.  Copy of successful tender (by removing confidential information).
  2. Scoring table of all bidders, split by scores awarded for each question of bid.
  3. Approximate date that the tender will be reissued towards the end of the current contract period.
  4. How many bidders submitted responses?
  5. Name of all bidders who submitted responses.
  6. Rank of all bidders who submitted responses I would prefer to receive the information electronically.”

Our response

I confirm that Ordnance Survey does not hold the information you have requested.

Advice and Assistance

This was not a tender but instead a market engagement event asking for feedback on a proposed specification. The tender that resulted from this event is currently live with bids due to be returned by 13 October 2023. The notice is published here: Search, Merchandising and Recommendations Tool - Contracts Finder (www.gov.uk)

All information requests

See our previous responses to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests.

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