Thank you for your email of 17 November 2023, and your response to our request for clarification of 28 November 2023.
A copy of your request is set out in the extract below:
Original request 17 November 2023
“I am looking to establish the number of UK addresses which do not include a street name. I do not need to know specific address information relating to those addresses, just how many addresses in the UK do not contain any data in the 'street' address line, for example: Park Farm Avington WINCHESTER SO21 1BZ”
OS clarification request 28 November 2023
“Please could you clarify whether you are only interested in residential addresses, or also commercial addresses, or also in addresses which are neither residential nor commercial (e.g. Churches, military bases etc.).”
Clarification response 28 November 2023
“Residential addresses would be ideal, thank you.”