Land Registry services

OS data in HM Land Registry and Registers of Scotland services is subject to certain conditions, depending on application

Services offered by HM Land Registry

Ordnance Survey (OS) data is used in a wide range of HM Land Registry (HMLR) and Registers of Scotland services, including those provided by the public sector, for the public. Find out about the different services and licences offered by HM Land Registry and Registers of Scotland.

HMLR's 'search for land and property information’ service

This service allows you to find information about any property in England or Wales.

Land and property information service details

You can search by address to find the owner, how far general boundaries extend and whether it is at risk of flooding. The service is based on OS data and subject to our find a property information service licence terms and conditions.

View the 'Search for land and property information' terms (PDF)

Search for land and property information via

HMLR's local land charges service

HM Land Registry provides local land charges services.

Local land charges service details

The mapping and address data (including the link between the address and its location, and any underlying coordinates) is based on OS data and subject to OS local land charges service licence terms and conditions.

View the local charges service terms (PDF)

HMLR's MapSearch service

Business e-services customers can use MapSearch to find out if a property is registered, view its location and obtain its title number and details of tenure.


MapSearch service details

Find a land registry map with this free-to-use digital service. The MapSearch service refers to OS MapSearch licence terms and conditions.

View the MapSearch terms (PDF)

Use MapSearch via