
The ‘Big Walk’ is here

National GetOutside Day on Sunday, September 29

Press Office

| 4 minute read
A ‘walking census’ has been announced to capture as much data as possible about Britain’s walking habits and preferences.

Ordnance Survey is encouraging the nation to go for a Big Walk so it can take the pulse of the country’s walking behaviour.

The call to get people outside, have a family get together, save some money and improve their health and wellbeing by going for a walk will form the basis of an accurate walking census.

OS will use the data collected from the exercise via its OS Maps app to understand the science behind walking in 2024, particularly around people’s walking speeds, walk preferences and the reasons why they go for walks in the first place.

A walking census is taking place as part of National GetOutside Day on Sunday September 29.

The Big Walk is being run on National GetOutside Day, an annual autumn event that aims to get as many people as possible active over a 24-hour period.

"This year we want to use National Get Outside Day to capture as much data about our walking preferences and habits as possible. Are you a circular or straight walker? Are you walking at Olympic pace or do you prefer a much more sedate and relaxing experience? Whether people are climbing the hills in our National Parks, or are just interested in doing half a mile around the block, it is about capturing a snapshot of the nation."

OS’s Managing Director for Leisure, Nick Giles

How do I take part in The Big Walk?

If you haven’t already downloaded OS Maps, download the app, decide where you want to go on your walk, click start, click end and the rest will go to OS’s data wizards to analyse the nation’s walking habits.

It doesn’t matter what walk it is, whether you only want to do half a mile around the block, or a long-distance hike. Just get involved!

Nick added: “OS Maps app is a hugely popular tool for walkers and over the last year we have done a lot to continually improve it. The data we collect is part of the science behind it and is going to be vital in underpinning future developments that work for everybody’s outdoor needs.

“It will help us to make using OS Maps a personalised experience and more suitable for people’s individual preferences around walking.”

The Big Walk is being supported by TV personality Kate Humble and Olympic walker Tom Bosworth.

"Walking is such an important thing for your mental and physical health. We have such a beautiful country to explore here in Britain. If as many people as possible can get out and enjoy a Big Walk for National GetOutside Day, it will give the OS a greater insight into how people walk - what distances they generally cover and what pace they like to walk it. This information can then be used to support and encourage more people to walk more often and reap the benefits of being outdoors in nature."

Writer and TV broadcaster Kate Humble

New walking survey results

A survey of 2,000 people out today showed that while we love walking, not as many of us do it as much as we should.

Three quarters of people go walking once a week, with the number one motivation being for their physical health, mental wellbeing and relaxation.

However, one in 15 people never ever go out for a walk.

The survey – carried out by Opinion Matters – also revealed that walkers did not really know or understand distances and times.

Six out of 10 people did not regularly monitor their step counts. And only a quarter of people accurately recognise how many steps there were in a mile (2,000 steps). People struggle to judge distance by steps, and struggle to guess how fast they walk.

Wild Robot competition

To celebrate the Big Walk and National GetOutside Day, OS has teamed up with the makers of new film The Wild Robot to launch a competition to win a free epic wilderness escape in the UK.

Applicants will answer a few questions on their waking behaviours and habits if they wish to enter.

To take part visit the Ordnance Survey website.

By Press Office

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Explore OS Maps

You can share your walking, cycling or running routes in Great Britain by downloading the OS Maps App on your phone, PC or laptop