Code-Point is a postcode locator with postcode units in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Get started with geographical analysis, simple route planning and asset management using Code-Point.
This product is updated quarterly
Code-Point is a postcode locator with postcode units in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Get started with geographical analysis, simple route planning and asset management using Code-Point.
This product is updated quarterly
Coverage of over 1.7 million postcodes in Great Britain and Northern Ireland updated quarterly – accurate depiction of all live postcodes in GB and NI.
Understand the split of residential and commercial delivery points within a postcode area for a greater depth of analysis.
Combine your statistical and health datasets with postcode data by linking to ONS administrative codes and Health Authority codes provided with Code-Point.
Technical information
Code-Point data provides:
Code-Point includes 121 postcode areas in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, but does not include the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands.
Until our surveyors have visited the area to complete the very precise large-scale mapping, we allocate a calculated map reference to the postcode that, depending on the level of development in the area, can be somewhat inaccurate. When this has been done, a positional quality indicator in the Code-Point record makes it clear that the coordinates provided are temporary, and will be improved to a full quality match as soon as possible.
Code-Point is created by taking the average of the coordinates of all the individual addresses in a postcode (provided we have any of sufficient quality), then snapping to the nearest of those addresses. Code-Point then delivers the coordinates of that address, as representative of the whole postcode, to a resolution of 1 metre.
The accuracy of a Code-Point Open record could be expressed as, that the coordinated position will always be within the notional geographical extent of the postcode. The accuracy of each postcode unit coordinate pair is defined by the positional quality indicator (PQI) which provides a quality statement of a Code-Point record.
These have been issued by ONS for statistical purposes only, because there are no wards on the Isles of Scilly. The Codelist.xls file supplied with Code-Point is generated from Boundary-Line. Boundary-Line does not contain these ward codes as they do not exist for political purposes. Therefore, these codes are not available in the Codelist.xls file supplied in the Doc folder with Code-Point. All other ward codes should exist in both Code-Point and the Codelist.xls file.
Column |
Object definition |
Administrative County |
Administrative District |
Administrative Ward |
NHS Regional Health Authority |
NHS Health Authority |
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