OS Vector Tile API

Slick, quick vector maps for use as a customisable, contextual base, with a focus on web and mobile apps. Benefit from unrivalled levels of detail in your web or mobile app. OS Vector Tile API contains OS MasterMap Topography Layer including building heights.

  • Contextual or derived mapping
  • API
  • OS OpenData Plan (FREE)
  • Public Sector Plan
  • Premium Plan

This product is updated every six months

Representation of data provided
Representation of data provided
© Crown copyright and database rights. Ordnance Survey 2024

What OS Vector Tile API provides you with

Customisable Cartography

Choose from prebuilt OS cartographic styles or restyle your mapping to make it your own. Customisable vector data can be styled to suit your needs.

Powerful interactive mapping

Combining the detail of selectable OS MasterMap features for detailed analysis into an interactive web or mobile map allows you to design truly powerful vector maps.

Design the right map for you

With OS Vector Tile API you have a choice between using Ordnance Survey styles or creating your own. Design a map that matches your brand or get creative and add some cartographic flair to your application.

Optimise for web use

Vector Tiles have the benefit of being optimised for use across the internet and are perfect for interactive web maps. Zoom, pan, rotate, tilt and even extrude 3D buildings.

Slick, quick vector maps

The OS Vector Tile API is great for cartographers, designers and developers to create slick, quick vector maps with all the detail of Ordnance Survey data.

Interoperable with web mapping libraries

OS Vector Tile API can be used with most web mapping libraries including Mapbox GL JS, Leaflet, OpenLayers and ArcGIS API for JavaScript.

OS Vector Tile API

Technical information

© Crown copyright and database rights. Ordnance Survey 2024


Use cases

You can:

  • Use as a basemap in GIS, web or mobile applications.
  • View the whole of Great Britain in unrivalled detail.Seamlessly pan, zoom, pitch and tilt the map.
  • Overlay your own data to give it geographic context.
  • Trace over OS MasterMap Topography Layers (Premium Data) detailed geometries.
  • Customise the map style and content to create the map you need.
  • Access the maps in different projections - British National Grid and Web Mercator.

OS Vector Tile API is great for cartographers, designers and developers to create slick, quick vector maps with all the detail of Ordnance Survey data.

  • API
Data structure
Great Britain
National scale to building scale (1:5,000,000 to 1:1250)
  • Vector Tiles (.pbf)
OS Data Hub plan
  • OS OpenData Plan (FREE)
  • Public Sector Plan
  • Premium Plan

Documents and Support

Getting started guides

  • OS Vector Tile API - Getting started guide
    The getting started guide provides instructions for using the product in different software applications. Users with limited technical knowledge will be able to follow this guide.
  • OS Vector Tile API - Overview
    The overview introduces the product and gives context for all users. It highlights key features, provides examples of potential uses for the product and lists details like file sizes, supply formats, etc.

Technical specification

Additional information

Individual map features

With OS Vector Tile API you can select and interact with the individual map features. The OS MasterMap features contain their TOIDs (a unique identifier) so you can filter, select, link and visualise.

OS Vector Tile API

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What you get

Key features
  • Customisable Cartography
  • Powerful interactive mapping
  • Design the right map for you
  • Optimise for web use
  • Slick, quick vector maps
  • Interoperable with web mapping libraries
Contextual or derived mapping
  • API
Data structure
Update frequency
Every six months

How to access

OS OpenData APIs are free

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