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Case Studies
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NHS England recognises that collecting prescriptions from pharmacies can be a challenge for some patients.
Researchers at the Clinical Effectiveness Group, at Queen Mary University of London, are linking de-identified (or pseudonymised) data on 'people' and 'places,' to inform powerful health research and better location-based care.
By helping the NHS develop and improve local health infrastructure in line with population changes, The NHS London Healthy Urban Development Unit (NHS HUDU) maximises the opportunities that come from aligning housing development planning and health programmes in London – to narrow...
Public Health England reported in June that the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine has prevented up to 7.9 million infections and up to 28,000 deaths in England.
With almost 50 million adults in England needing two doses of the vaccine, the programme needed comprehensive analytical input and...
London Ambulance use AddressBase Premium data to locate addresses when responding to 999 calls. When an address is provided to the call handler, they can verify the address using AddressBase Premium, which also provides the grid reference. The grid reference and the address enable the a...
Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CWP) have access to Ordnance Survey data under the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA). During a 2018 review of community health services, the Trust used OS VectorMap District and 1:250 000 Scale Raster data...
South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS) is one of ten ambulance NHS Foundation Trusts in the UK. SCAS provides 999 and 111 services in Hampshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Patient Transport Services across the same footprint as well as in Surrey and Sussex. S...
Combatting obesity in Birmingham with OS mapping data
This case study outlines how Ordnance Survey mapping data gave Birmingham's Public Health team the information it needed to tackle obesity locally head on.
Birmingham Mental Health NHS used OS data to analyse demographics and evaluate if the Trust was meeting perinatal mental health needs, which is concerned with the mental wellbeing of antenatal and postnatal women and their child, partner and families.
This case study describes how, by usin...