Thank you for your email of 5 September 2024, relating to our response to your original request for information from Ordnance Survey of 28 August 2024 (FOI241260).
We have handled your request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000.
A copy of your request is set out in the extract below:
“Dear OS FOI,
1. Browns Lane has not changed physically in decades. Parts of it are sealed tarmac (should be yellow) and parts unsealed as a hedged lane and field crossing. (should be ORPA).
The purpose of my request was to establish why you removed correctly depicted data displaying a through highway and created two dead ends and in effect now have an area of your maps that it now is incorrect.
Your response states "OS received a customer enquiry which related to the deletion of yellow road fill from Browns Lane.", so you should provide that information that initially caused changes to be made to Browns Lane. Please can you do so?
2. As part of this check a decision was made to remove the ORPAs based on the evidence available. This was an internal cartographic decision (discussed and made verbally) and was not made as part of the customer enquiry in relation to the yellow road fill.
So, you used a request to remove colour (wrong, its tarmac) to also remove ORPAs (wrong, it is still public access), I am aware that you keep a record of all changes made, how else would you know to tell me the above - you do have a record of the change being made, and you know that the decision was made verbally.
I may have initially used the wrong description as "internal case file" but you should still provide the information noted on your "changes" database. (You use MS Dynamics, would you provide your Dynamics case file please, if not, why not?)
Despite the availability of the correct information, why has OS decided to remove the ORPA dots on U75235, can you please provide the Dynamics case file relating to the changes made on your mapping?”