Our AddressBase address data is designed to improve your day-to-day business processes by providing you and your staff with up to date, easy to navigate and comprehensive location data. Choose one of our selected Partners to get started today. And if you’re looking to get started quickly, ask for AddressBase Core; our entry level, plug and play product in the range.
Improve business processes
Choose a partner to start improving your business processes
We work with several Partners who offer AddressBase solutions to improve overall business processes and much more. Find out more about how each of our Partners can get you up and running with the most comprehensive address data available.

What is AddressBase?
AddressBase is Ordnance Survey’s addressing product, created in collaboration with GeoPlace and Improvement Service of Scotland. It has four different options available, AddressBase, AddressBase Plus, AddressBase Premium and AddressBase Core, all of which come with varying levels of data, depending on your requirements. AddressBase matches 29 million Royal Mail postal addresses to unique property reference numbers (UPRN), providing in-depth geographic information on each address and making the database easy to search and analyse.
AddressBase provides your business with a way to improve day to day business processes, saving both time and money which can be better invested elsewhere. By providing accurate and easy to use data, AddressBase helps you to make fully informed business decisions, increase the efficiency of administrative tasks, reduce the likelihood of failed transactions and cut costs in all areas of your business.
How to improve business processes with AddressBase
As your business grows and starts to make more revenue, inefficient internal processes may become a strain on your finances. Ordnance Survey uses local authority, Ordnance Survey and Royal Mail Postcode Address File (PAF) address data to create the most reliable, up to date addressing data available, allowing you to cut internal process costs by tightening up time consuming, resource intensive tasks.
Improve data reliability
Unreliable location data is a primary cause of lost revenue for many businesses. Whether you’re choosing a geographical area to invest in, identifying customer address details or planning a marketing campaign in a specific location, AddressBase provides the most accurate data available, using a variety of data sources which are updated regularly, ensuring you have data you can rely on at all times in order to effectively achieve your goals.
Make better informed decisions
Businesses which make decisions back by in-depth, quality data are much more likely to see a positive return on investment. The more data you have available to you, the better informed your decisions will be. AddressBase provides classification of a property for your business to understand the use at different levels of granularity. Distinguish between residential and commercial properties as well as finding houses of multiple occupations.
Customer identity verification
Identity fraud can be very damaging to revenue figures, with fake or stolen identities creating a place for criminals to hide and take advantage of your business. With AddressBase, these criminals have nowhere to hide, as its cross referencing, identity verification and risk detection capabilities keep your business safe. From understanding alternative address names to identifying property types, AddressBase protects your business from fraud.
We also have Partners to help with other challenges
Improve logistics efficiency
Develop the efficiency of your logistical operations, helping to make deliveries faster and more accurate.
Improve e-commerce conversion rates
Boost your e-commerce conversion rates by making the process of converting much simpler and smoother for the user.