Improve e-commerce conversion rate

Our AddressBase address data is designed to boost your ecommerce conversion rates by making the process of converting much simpler and smoother for the user. You can only access our data for your business through one of our Licensed Partners. Choose one of our selected Partners to get started today. And if you’re looking to get started quickly, ask for AddressBase Core; our entry level, plug and play product in the range.

Choose a partner to start improving your ecommerce conversion rate

We work with several Partners who offer AddressBase solutions to improve ecommerce conversion rates and much more. Find out more about how each of our Partners can get you up and running with the most comprehensive address data available.

Example of AddressBase Core

What is AddressBase?

AddressBase is Ordnance Survey’s addressing product, created in collaboration with GeoPlace and Improvement Service of Scotland. It has four different options available, AddressBase, AddressBase Plus, AddressBase Premium and AddressBase Core, all of which come with varying levels of data, depending on your requirements. AddressBase matches 29 million Royal Mail postal addresses to unique property reference numbers (UPRN), providing in-depth geographic information on each address and making the database easy to search and analyse.

AddressBase offers your customers access to reliable geographical data, allowing them to quickly fill in address details at the checkout, find the nearest store location to them on a map and order products and services with confidence and ease. Increase conversion rates and overall ecommerce revenue with the most extensive addressing database available, ensuring you never miss a sale.

How to improve ecommerce conversion rate with AddressBase

Within an ecommerce environment, the easier you make it for your website users to convert, the higher your conversion rates will be. AddressBase uses local authority, Ordnance Survey and Royal Mail Postcode Address File (PAF) address data to create the most reliable, up to date addressing data available, enabling your users to quickly input delivery addresses or sign up information, resulting in more conversions, faster. 

Reduce basket abandonment

A huge number of ecommerce customers are lost every day due to basket abandonment, either because they didn't have enough time to complete the process, they didn't understand the process or they didn't have all of the necessary information available to complete the checkout process. AddressBase helps your website users by autofilling addressing information, saving valuable time and increasing the likelihood of a completed transaction.

Boost customer onboarding

Customer onboarding is a long, difficult process which involves multiple touchpoints between business and customer. With all the time spent nurturing a lead, you don’t want to fail at the last hurdle. AddressBase provides your businesses with reliable address data, enabling you to make well informed decisions throughout the customer onboarding process and ensuring that the final stage of onboarding is quicker, easier and more accurate by making it easier for customers to sign up via autofill sign up forms.

Improve user experience

Website user experience demand is growing; users expect to be able to easily navigate your site, find the information they need in multiple formats and complete their objectives with ease. Without good user experience, you could lose customers and revenue. AddressBase creates a way for you to display location data via interactive maps or autofill forms, making for a better user experience and increasing the likelihood of your customers converting.

Our basic classifications – residential or commercial – will reduce the costs and increase the effectiveness of your direct marketing. In customer services, the need for accuracy is paramount. Have confidence in your front-line staff’s ability to look up addresses on a database of millions, quickly and efficiently. 

We also have Partners to help with other challenges