OS copyright acknowledgments for PSGA members

A guide to the different public sector Ordnance Survey (OS) copyright acknowledgements

When using OS data (including derived data), members of the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA) need to include OS acknowledgements.

The acknowledgement you use will depend on the type of OS data being used and medium you are using (paper, PDF, web mapping or data). You must clearly show acknowledgements in a legible font and in a conspicuous position on any reproductions of OS data.

To ensure you are aware of your legal obligations and you acknowledge intellectual property rights (IPR) ownership when using OS data and trade marks, please refer to our complete References and IPR Acknowledgements document (Style Guide).

Refer to the OS Style Guide

How to acknowledge OS data

You need to use the highest appropriate level of acknowledgement when using more than one type of OS data. It is your responsibility as a member to ensure that the terms of the Member Licence are being applied correctly.

OS OpenData

This is the lowest level of acknowledgement required and applies when you are using OS OpenData products (including creating derived data from OS Open Data).

We use the Open Government Licence (OGL) for OS OpenData. Under the terms of that licence, we are allowed to use our own attribution statement.

It doesn't matter whether the mapping is on paper or in digital form, if you are just publishing OS OpenData (or exempted derived data dataset), you just need to include this attribution statement:

  • Contains OS data © Crown copyright [and database right] [year].
  • Cynnwys data OS Ⓗ Hawlfraint y Goron [a hawliau cronfa ddata] OS [flwyddyn].


  • The same acknowledgement should be included in any sub-licences of the data that you grant, including any further re-use.
  • If you are using Code-Point Open you need to add an additional statement because that product contains additional third party rights (see products below).
  • You can use OS OpenData acknowledgements with your derived datasets that have been notified to us under the presumption to publish arrangements, or where you been granted an exemption from the Member Licence.


OS data (excluding OS OpenData)

If the OS Open Data acknowledgement is not applicable then you need to use:

  • © Crown copyright and database rights [Member inserts year] OS [Member inserts their licence number]
  • Ⓗ Hawlfraint y Goron a hawliau cronfa ddata [yr Aelod i nodi’r flwyddyn] OS [yr Aelod i nodi ei rif trwydded]

You may then need to add further information, depending on how you are publishing your information in (i.e. on paper, in electronic documents, on the web, or as a data file that can be used in a GIS).


AddressBase products

Whenever you are displaying or reproducing any AddressBase product, you need to include the following statement(s):

  • © Improvement and Development Agency for Local Government copyright and database rights[year of supply or date of publication]
  • Ⓗ Hawlfraint a hawliau cronfa ddata cyfyngedig Tŷ Gwybodaeth ar Lywodraeth Leol [blwyddyncyflenwi neu ddyddiad cyhoeddi]

In addition, wherever data relating to Scotland is included, this statement also needs to be incorporated:

  • This product contains data created and maintained by Scottish Local Government.
  • Mae’r cynnyrch hwn yn cynnwys data a grëwyd ac a gynhelir gan Lywodraeth Leol yr Alban.


Code-Point products

The Code-Point products are:

  • Code-Point Open
  • Code-Point
  • Code-Point with Polygons

You need to add the following statement to the base acknowledgement being used:

  • Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database rights 20nn
  • Mae’n cynnwys data Ystadegau Cenedlaethol Ⓗ Hawlfraint y Goron a hawl cronfa ddata 20nn


Acknowledgements in paper documents

By paper documents we mean any document that includes a map, whether for internal or external use. This includes, for example, map extracts, reports, information leaflets, decision notices, information/notice boards, etc.

Paper documents

The standard acknowledgement to use on all map images:

  • © Crown copyright [and database rights] [year of supply] OS [licence number]. You are permitted to use this data solely to enable you to respond to, or interact with, the organisation that provided you with the data. You are not permitted to copy, sub-license, distribute or sell any of this data to third parties in any form.
  • Ⓗ Hawlfraint y Goron [a hawliau cronfa ddata] [blwyddyn gyflenwi] OS [rhif y drwydded].Rhoddir trwydded ddirymiadwy, anghyfyngedig a heb freindal i chi i weld y data trwyddedig atddibenion anfasnachol am y cyfnod y mae ar gael. Nichewch gopïo, is-drwyddedu, dosbarthu na gwerthu unrhyw ran o’r data hwn i drydydd partïonmewn unrhyw ffurf.


What if there is not enough room?

If your map image is A4 or less (and you can't add the standard acknowledgement) or you are only using a small extract of mapping, this is the next option:

  • © Crown copyright [and database rights] [year of supply] OS [licence number]
  • Ⓗ Hawlfraint y Goron [a hawliau cronfa ddata] [mewnosod y flwyddyn] OS [rhif y drwydded]

Note: Depending upon the type of document, you should also endeavour to ensure that the full acknowledgement is included somewhere in a prominent position (i.e. perhaps along with other notices and acknowledgements).


Publishing several maps in the same document

Wherever possible, you should always use the standard acknowledgement alongside each map.

If that isn't possible, (for example, due to their small size), you can then just use '© Crown copyright' against each map image.

You should ensure that the full acknowledgement is included somewhere in a prominent position (i.e. perhaps along with other notices and acknowledgements).


Web mapping services (non-INSPIRE)

The standard acknowledgement is:

© Crown copyright [and database rights] [year of supply] OS [licence number]. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions.
The terms and conditions you need to add are:

  • You are granted a non-exclusive, royalty free revocable licence solely to view the licensed data for non-commercial purposes for the period during which [insert name of licensee] makes it available;
    You are not permitted to copy, sub-license, distribute, sell or otherwise make available the licensed data to third parties in any form; and
    Third party rights to enforce the terms of this licence shall be reserved to OS.
  • Ⓗ Hawlfraint y Goron [a hawliau cronfa ddata] [blwyddyn o gyflenwad] Arolwg Ordnans [rhif y drwydded]. Defnyddio data hwn yn amodol ar delerau ac amodau.
    Rhoddir trwydded ddirymiadwy, anghyfyngedig a heb freindal i chi i weld y data trwyddedig at ddibenion anfasnachol am y cyfnod y mae ar gael gan [rhowch enw daliwr y drwydded].
    Ni chewch gopïo, is-drwyddedu, dosbarthu na gwerthu unrhyw ran o’r data hwn i drydydd partïon mewn unrhyw ffurf; ac.
    Yr Arolwg Ordnans fydd yn cadw’r hawlio trydydd parti i orfodi amodau’r drwydded hon.

You don't have to display the terms and conditions on a web page, instead you can hyperlink the phrase ‘terms and conditions’ to either display them in a pop up window, or to link to another web page (and which could include any other notices).


Mobile apps

Wherever possible, in the same way as other web publishing, you should use the same acknowledgement and terms and conditions statement on each page displaying mapping.

However, if there is insufficient room, you should display the full acknowledgement on your opening screen or on the general terms and conditions page of the application being used.



In addition to your use of a contractor licence or an End User Licence, this is the standard acknowledgement you need to include within the read-me file. This means that you need to include EUL as part of the acknowledgement – see below.

  • © Crown copyright [and database rights] [year of supply] OS [licence number EUL]. You are permitted to use this data solely to enable you to respond to, or interact with, the organisation that provided you with the data. You are not permitted to copy, sub-license, distribute or sell any of this data to third parties in any form.
  • Ⓗ Hawlfraint y Goron [a hawliau cronfa ddata] [blwyddyn o gyflenwad] Arolwg Ordnans [rhif ydrwydded EUL]. Rhoddir trwydded ddirymiadwy, anghyfyngedig a heb freindal i chi i weld y datatrwyddedig at ddibenion anfasnachol am y cyfnod y mae ar gael gan [rhowch enw daliwr ydrwydded] Ni chewch gopïo, is-drwyddedu, dosbarthu na gwerthu unrhyw ran o’r data hwn idrydydd partïon mewn unrhyw ffurf.

Online documents

Read guidance on how to acknowledge OS data in online documents.


Follow the same guidance as if your map was being printed on paper.


The standard acknowledgement is:

  • © Crown copyright [and database rights] [year of supply] OS [licence number]. You are granted a non-exclusive, royalty free, revocable licence solely to view the Licensed Data for non-commercial purposes for the period during which [insert name of Licensee] makes it available. You are not permitted to copy, sub-license, distribute, sell or otherwise make available the Licensed Data to third parties in any form. Third party rights to enforce the terms of this licence shall be reserved to OS.
  • Ⓗ Hawlfraint y Goron [a hawliau cronfa ddata] Arolwg Ordnans [rhif y drwydded]. Rhoddirtrwydded ddirymiadwy, anghyfyngedig a heb freindal i chi i weld y data trwyddedig at ddibenionanfasnachol am y cyfnod y mae ar gael gan [rhowch enw daliwr y drwydded]Ni chewch gopïo, is-drwyddedu, dosbarthu na gwerthu unrhyw ran o’r data hwn i drydydd partïon mewn unrhywffurf. Yr Arolwg Ordnans fydd yn cadw’r hawlio trydydd parti i orfodi amodau’r drwydded hon.

Alternatively, you could show the main acknowledgement and use a hyperlink on the phrase terms and conditions into another part of the document (which could be alongside any other required notices).

  • © Crown copyright [and database rights] [year of supply] OS [licence number]. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions.
  • Ⓗ Hawlfraint y Goron [a hawliau cronfa ddata] Arolwg Ordnans [rhif y drwydded]. Defnyddiodata hwn yn amodol ar delerau ac amodau.

These are the conditions:

  • You are granted a non-exclusive, royalty free, revocable licence solely to view the licensed data for non-commercial purposes for the period during which [insert name of Licensee] makes it available. You are not permitted to copy, sub-license, distribute, sell or otherwise make available the Licensed Data to third parties in any form. Third party rights to enforce the terms of this licence shall be reserved to OS.
  • Rhoddir trwydded ddirymiadwy, anghyfyngedig a heb freindal i chi i weld y data trwyddedig atddibenion anfasnachol am y cyfnod y mae ar gael gan [rhowch enw daliwr y drwydded]Nichewch gopïo, is-drwyddedu, dosbarthu na gwerthu unrhyw ran o’r data hwn i drydydd partïonmewn unrhyw ffurf. Yr Arolwg Ordnans fydd yn cadw’r hawlio trydydd parti i orfodi amodau’rdrwydded hon.


Web mapping (static images)

The standard acknowledgement is:

  • © Crown copyright [and database rights] [year of supply] OS [licence number]. You are granted a non-exclusive, royalty free, revocable licence solely to view the Licensed Data for non-commercial purposes for the period during which [insert name of Licensee] makes it available. You are not permitted to copy, sub-license, distribute, sell or otherwise make available the Licensed Data to third parties in any form. Third party rights to enforce the terms of this licence shall be reserved to OS.
  • Ⓗ Hawlfraint y Goron [a hawliau cronfa ddata] [blwyddyn o gyflenwad] Arolwg Ordnans [rhif ydrwydded]. Rhoddir trwydded ddirymiadwy, anghyfyngedig a heb freindal i chi i weld y datatrwyddedig at ddibenion anfasnachol am y cyfnod y mae ar gael gan [rhowch enw daliwr ydrwydded]Ni chewch gopïo, is-drwyddedu, dosbarthu na gwerthu unrhyw ran o’r data hwn idrydydd partïon mewn unrhyw ffurf. Yr Arolwg Ordnans fydd yn cadw’r hawlio trydydd parti iorfodi amodau’r drwydded hon.

Alternatively, you could show just the first sentence and then add some words that link to the terms and conditions statement.

  • © Crown copyright [and database rights] [year of supply] OS [licence number]. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions.
  • Ⓗ Hawlfraint y Goron [a hawliau cronfa ddata] [blwyddyn o gyflenwad] Arolwg Ordnans [rhif ydrwydded]. Defnyddio data hwn yn amodol ar delerau ac amodau.

You could then hyperlink the phrase ‘terms and conditions’ to either display them in a pop-up window, or to link to another web page (and which could include any other notices, acknowledgements,etc.).

These are the conditions:

  • You are granted a non-exclusive, royalty free, revocable licence solely to view the licensed data for non-commercial purposes for the period during which [insert name of Licensee] makes it available. You are not permitted to copy, sub-license, distribute, sell or otherwise make available the licensed data to third parties in any form. Third party rights to enforce the terms of this licence shall be reserved to OS.
  • Rhoddir trwydded ddirymiadwy, anghyfyngedig a heb freindal i chi i weld y data trwyddedig atddibenion anfasnachol am y cyfnod y mae ar gael gan [rhowch enw daliwr y drwydded]Nichewch gopïo, is-drwyddedu, dosbarthu na gwerthu unrhyw ran o’r data hwn i drydydd partïonmewn unrhyw ffurf. Yr Arolwg Ordnans fydd yn cadw’r hawlio trydydd parti i orfodi amodau’rdrwydded hon.


Need further support?

Get in touch for clarification on licensing copyright acknowledgments