If you need or have been asked to provide a UPRN for a specific location, please contact us directly to speak to customer services.
Unique property reference numbers (UPRN) information
Information and guidance about unique property reference numbers (UPRNs) and topographic identifiers (TOIDs)

How can we help?
Read guidance on how to obtain a unique property reference number (UPRN) for your property or multiple addresses.
I need an individual reference number
I need multiple reference numbers
If you need reference numbers for a larger scale area, you may benefit from downloading one of the following free datasets.
An open dataset enabling linking, sharing and visualisation of data related to UPRNs.
A dataset of unique identifiers for a wide range of land-scape and built environment features with a generalised location from OS MasterMap products.
Mapping reference numbers explained
Learn the difference between a Unique Property Reference Number and a TOID.
What is a UPRN?
A Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) is a unique numeric identifier for every spatial address in Great Britain.

It applies a ‘common standard’ for addressable buildings and objects. One that is machine-readable, and in a consistent reference format.
A UPRN provides a comprehensive, complete, consistent identifier throughout a property’s life cycle – from planning permission through to demolition.
UPRNs can be found in OS's Address products (PDF).
What is a TOID?
A Topographic Identifier (TOID) is a unique and persistent identifier for each and every feature found in OS MasterMap products. A TOID shows unique identifiers for a wide range of landscape and built environment features, with a generalised location, extracted from OS MasterMap products.
Further product support
For more information about key location identifiers, visit our Open Identifiers product family page.
Related information
Land ownership and property boundaries
Access information on legal boundaries and how to purchase large-scale maps used for planning permission.
Field parcel numbers
Find out everything you need to know about field parcel numbers and how they are shown on OS maps.
OpenData products
Search to find the best geospatial data product for you.
Helpful UPRN articles
Read related stories and content about UPRNs and their impact across Great Britain
Can't find what you need?
Contact us directly to speak to our friendly customer service team