OS awarded environmental management system certification

3 minute read
Ordnance Survey (OS) has been awarded certification by the British Standards Institution (BSI) for the quality of its International Standards Organisation (ISO) 14001 Environmental Management System.

BSI were chosen as The United Kingdom Accreditation Service accredited certification body.

The ISO 14001 accreditation guides organisations in protecting the environment and reducing harm, pollution or emergency accidents. Adhering to its standards helps prevent adverse impacts from materials and resources used in daily activities, enhances environmental performance and reduces environmental footprints.

OS’s Director of People, Hazel Hendley, said: “The certification is a fantastic framework for us to help meet environmental and sustainability responsibilities. The award reflects OS's commitment to sustainability and the dedication of our people in making a difference.

"Key to the successful achievement of the certification was engagement from across the business. OS demonstrated strong leadership commitment through engaging with a new governance system - the Sustainability Steering and Working Groups - which includes several representatives from every level across the business."

Hazel Hendley, Ordnance Survey Director of People

“We are confident that we will continue to build on the action taken so far and deliver further positive sustainability outcomes in the future.”

The accreditation acknowledges the action OS has already taken in ensuring sustainability is a key component in its decision making. OS has switched to electric vehicles (EV) across company car users and increased the maximum value of its popular Cycle to Work scheme.

Other developments include further enhancements to OS's BREEAM 'Excellent' head office building, Explorer House in Southampton. These include the addition of more EV charging points, retrofitting all lighting to LEDs and upcoming installation of photo-voltaic (PV) cells on the roof of Explorer House to help generate electricity on-site.

OS is also committed to supporting its many customers to meet their own sustainability targets.

Hazel added: "We know that sustainability is a priority for our customers too – and our accreditation sends a powerful message about our commitment.

"Across the globe we are seeing the positive outcomes of OS's geospatial expertise in helping customers achieve their green ambitions. Whether that’s tackling the challenges of urbanisation in Zambia, or our GB-wide greenspace data that’s being used to identify sources of clean energy in Scotland, or how OS data is being used to plan and build the electric charging infrastructure needed to transition from fossil fuels to electric vehicles."

For more information visit the International Standards Organisation website.

By Press Office

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