Why OS strategic partnerships unlock value

How Emapsite, an OS Strategic Partner, accessed value from OS data and expertise in a collaborative session

4 minute read
Ordnance Survey (OS) is helping bring geospatial data and expertise into the heart of the UK economy. By investing in data, technology, and people, valuable location data can be easily used and shared by more businesses working in a wide range of sectors.

Collaboration and strategic partnerships play a vital role in helping achieve the wider use of location data. OS has a growing eco-system of partners who build innovative new products and services, delivering huge value to the UK economy. It’s estimated over £800m of economic activity annually is associated to OS data.

A strategic partnership with Emapsite

Emapsite, an Ordnance Survey Strategic Partner, recently engaged in a collaborative session with the OS product team to share product roadmaps, explain data in detail, and look at the immense potential of the National Geospatial Database (NGD) – the most comprehensive data on Britain’s landscape.

This session served as a useful platform for knowledge exchange, highlighting the unique features and benefits of NGD while providing the OS team with valuable insight based on Emapsite’s extensive experience in various sectors.

The initial session was focused on deepening Emapsite’s understanding of NGD with an overview followed by a Q&A session focused on the specific features and benefits of the NGD.

Particular benefits identified were:

  • More frequent data updates
  • Wider range of data attribution
  • Richer attribute level metadata
  • Individual feature level access

This was followed by an opportunity for the OS product team to understand potential opportunities and pain points that Emapsite encounter every day in the markets they work with - Land and Property , Energy and Infrastructure, Engineering and Environment, Public Sector, and Insurance and Finance. By working together, areas for focus were unearthed to inform priorities for further development.

"Market-centric feedback is vital to ensure we’re developing products that enable us and our partners to create location insight for positive impact. The OS Product team are always looking for opportunities to engage with our Strategic Partners, sharing future product roadmaps, recent deliveries and conceptual ideas for the future. A great example of this is a recent session with Emapsite where we were able to share more detail regarding our recent product release, the OS National Geographic Database (OS NGD). This session enabled the OS Product team to discuss in detail some of the key benefits and advantages the OS NGD has beyond previous product offerings, whilst doing this within the scope of Emapsite markets and customers. Advantages we discussed included the new NGD access services OS Select+Build and the OS NGD APIs) as well as the new attribution and data which is already available. These sessions always deliver significant value for all those who attend. Sharing knowledge, discussing how we best solve customer problems together, helping us to validate and discuss potential product enhancements for the future all contribute to a really successful workshop."

Dean Paulley, OS Strategic Product Manager

"Through our Strategic Partnership, sharing knowledge and experience delivers benefits not just to us and Ordnance Survey, but also to the markets we serve. In a time of economic challenges and climate change, it is more important than ever that organisations harness the unique opportunities presented by geospatial data and insight to deliver customer benefits while prioritising environmental sustainability."

Daniel Slater, Sales Director, emapsite

"I was really pleased to see Emapsite being the first Strategic Partner to embrace the new OS Channel Partner Programme. We have enjoyed an open and collaborative relationship with Emapsite for over 20 years and this is being fully recognised through their involvement and position within the Programme."

Ian Smith, OS Account Management

Visit the Emapsite Partner page to learn more about their business, and see how they can help you.

Our new tiered membership

OS has produced a new tiering structure for our Licensed Channel Partners. This enables closer collaboration with OS in order to benefit from higher levels of engagement and rewards. The structure also provides clarity on the support and services Partners can expect to receive, based on your tier. 

Ordnance Survey
By Ordnance Survey

Our highly accurate geospatial data and printed maps help individuals, governments and companies to understand the world, both in Britain and overseas.

Products and solutions featured in this blog

  • OS NGD API – Features

    Perform powerful geospatial analysis. Filter the data to receive exactly what you need, as and when you need it.