Undertaking a modernisation programme was important for Oman’s NSA to meet the demands of a modern society.
NSA faced a number of key challenges in the process:
- Ensuring Omani government and citizens access to reliable, credible and authoritative geospatial information to underpin decisions and improve quality of life.
- Supporting both civilian and military operations with location data.
- Aligning NSA to major national initiatives, such as the Oman National Spatial Strategy and the National Spatial Data infrastructure.

OS undertook a Geospatial Readiness Assessment of NSA to see how the organisation uses and maintains its geospatial data. Data management technology and geospatial information system skillsets within the organisation were assessed through a series of interviews, leading to the creation of a ‘readiness score’.
OS's Geospatial Readiness Assessment is based on a unique model, which has been developed over a number of years, based on OS experience nationally and internationally.
NSA received a detailed report assessing its level of maturity against key geospatial and operational criteria.
This included insight as to what level of readiness NSA should aspire to for each of the criteria as well as details on how this should be achieved and the benefits.
NSA had a clear starting point for its modernisation programme.
"Ordnance Survey has provided us with invaluable insight into where to focus our efforts, both geospatially and operationally, to transform the organisation in order to meet the demands of a modern nation."